
The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

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The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

When you think of personal injury cases, you probably picture two parties standing in front of a judge who decides how much one party has to pay the other. Indeed, this is how some personal injury cases end up being concluded. But many are actually settled out of court. Your attorney files a suit against the defendant, and then the defendant's lawyer presents you with an offer for a certain amount of money if you agree not to go to court. You and your personal injury attorney decide whether or not to accept that offer, which is called a settlement. As you can see, personal injury lawyers do a lot more than just go to court. You can learn more about the many nuances of their jobs on this blog.


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When And Why Hire A Worker Compensation Lawyer

Being injured on the job is hard on your financially, as well as painfully physically. However, workman's compensation is available to help you with the bills while you recover. Injuries come in many forms, so it is important to know when you need to hire a lawyer.

Is a Lawyer Necessary?

You may worry that when you are injured on the job that you will be short-changed when it comes to getting what you are owed. However, this is not always the case and in other cases, you may not be entitled to anything more than paid time off. Injuries, like twisted ankles, that do not end with any time off generally will not end in a workman's comp battle. In addition, most minor injuries that are clear cut work-related with no pre-existing conditions can be settled between you and the employer. If it makes you feel more comfortable having a lawyer help you with the paperwork, that is always an option.

Hiring a Lawyer

The complexity and severity of your injury are when you want to seriously consider having an experienced person on your side. If any of the following have occurred, a lawyer should be called to help you get the finances you are due.

1. Employer denies your claim – Unfortunately, this is not uncommon. The insurance company for your employer is designed to protect the company. This means they will try to find any loophole to prevent you from receiving benefits, especially if your injury is one that takes a few days to worsen.

2. Low settlement offer – In some cases, an employer will offer a settlement but will be too low to cover your medical bills, time off, or is not a fair amount based on injuries sustained.

3. Significant work loss – Anytime you have suffered a significant loss of work (short or long term), you will want to contact a lawyer. They know how to make sure you get enough money in a settlement to handle full or partial work loss. Also, they can help you apply for Social Security for future financial assistance.

4. Employer retaliation – If you have suffered retaliation from your employer for a work-related injury, whether it is because of the loss of hours available or a financial payout, you should contact a lawyer. They will make sure that you do not face any discrimination when you return to work.

5. Negligence – The final scenario when a lawyer is important is if the injury was caused because of neglect from your employer or a third-party. The complexity of the case is amplified when others play a factor in your injury and civil suits may also be possible.

Lawyers are there to help you read and understand the paperwork, but they also make sure you are well aware of what you are due. When cases become complex, you start dealing with multiple insurance companies, deadlines, negotiations between parties, and settlement agreements. Workers compensation lawyers are experienced in handling all of these things so you can spend more time recovering from your injury.