How to Ace Your SSDI Examination
Men and women now collect Social Security Disability benefits (SSDI) at nearly equal amounts, according to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities. This is most likely because women participate in the workforce in almost equal numbers as men. When you are applying for SSDI, you may be asked to attend a physical or mental examination. During this examination, make sure to not do or say anything that could lead to your claim being denied.
The Role of the Examinations
The doctors who will examine you will not be your long-term doctors. Their job is to perform tests to determine what your restrictions are. Know that they are known for rushing patients through and some patients have reported feeling as if the doctor did not listen to them. However, you will still need to help the doctor understand the nature of your injury and why you are unable to work as a result.
What to Say to the Doctor
Only remain focused on facts that are directly related to your case. For example, do not make small talk because any conversation you have may surprisingly be written down and be used in your disability case. However, when the doctor asks a question, avoid giving a "yes or no" answer unless that is the only logical answer. If possible:
- Go into detail about your injury
- Explain when your injury started
- Consider ranking any pain you experience on a scale of 1 to 10
Do not make any claims that aren't true and that are not supported by medical evidence.
What to Bring
Bring any diagnostic tests, such as an MRI, that would be relevant to the doctor. If the tests show the severity of your injuries, they will make your injuries sound more believable. If you are not sure what else to bring, make sure to ask a Social Security disability lawyer.
What to Do
You may be asked to perform activities by the examiner. These activities will not hurt you and are designed to help you show the extent to where you are injured. The administrative law judge will take into consideration this examination when determining if you should qualify.
Don't Get Discouraged
Most SSDI claims are denied on their first try. When you make a second claim, you are more likely to have it denied than not. However, when working with a Social Security disability lawyer, your third claim is much more likely to be accepted.