
The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

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The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

When you think of personal injury cases, you probably picture two parties standing in front of a judge who decides how much one party has to pay the other. Indeed, this is how some personal injury cases end up being concluded. But many are actually settled out of court. Your attorney files a suit against the defendant, and then the defendant's lawyer presents you with an offer for a certain amount of money if you agree not to go to court. You and your personal injury attorney decide whether or not to accept that offer, which is called a settlement. As you can see, personal injury lawyers do a lot more than just go to court. You can learn more about the many nuances of their jobs on this blog.


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3 Tips To Help You Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney

In most cases, filing a workers compensation claim is a simple and straightforward process, and an employee can take care of the matter on their own. However, more complicated situations can arise, and when that happens it may be necessary to retain the services of a workers compensation attorney. Some examples of when you may need to hire a workers compensation attorney include if your claim was denied or if you have suffered a serious injury that may make it impossible to work for an extended period of time. Use the following tips to help you hire the right workers compensation attorney to represent you:

Request Consultations

Before you make a hiring decision, it is in your best interest to meet with several workers compensation attorneys who practice in your area. The majority of workers compensation attorneys offer free consultations, so meeting with a few different attorneys won't cost you any money out of pocket. During a consultation you will have the opportunity to discuss the details of your case and learn about the legal options available to you. It is also a good idea to make a list of any questions that you may have. Consultations give you the opportunity to determine which attorney you feel most comfortable working with.

Consider Expertise

If you want the best outcome, you should look for a workers compensation attorney who has a lot of experience successfully resolving cases similar to yours. For example, if you suffered a severe workplace injury that has left you paralyzed, you should seek out a workers compensation attorney who has worked with many clients who have sustained catastrophic injuries at work. Likewise, if your claim has been denied, it is in your best interest to work with an attorney who specializes in having workers compensation denials overturned.

Understand Fees

Very few workers compensation attorneys charge by the hour. In most cases, workers compensation attorneys work on contingency, so you won't have to worry about paying out of pocket or trying to come up with the money to pay for legal services. However, workers compensation attorneys do receive a percentage of the settlement that they negotiate on their clients' behalf. The percentage charged can vary from one attorney to another, so it is very important that you have a clear understanding of what your workers compensation attorney will charge you before you make a hiring decision or sign any type of contract.