
The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

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The Wide, Wide World of Personal Injury Attorneys

When you think of personal injury cases, you probably picture two parties standing in front of a judge who decides how much one party has to pay the other. Indeed, this is how some personal injury cases end up being concluded. But many are actually settled out of court. Your attorney files a suit against the defendant, and then the defendant's lawyer presents you with an offer for a certain amount of money if you agree not to go to court. You and your personal injury attorney decide whether or not to accept that offer, which is called a settlement. As you can see, personal injury lawyers do a lot more than just go to court. You can learn more about the many nuances of their jobs on this blog.


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Can You File a Lawsuit Against Multiple Parties for the Same Injuries?

In some cases, there may be more than one person who is responsible for injuries that you sustained. For example, if you were bitten by a dog under a dog walker's care, you may have a claim against the dog walker and the dog owner. Or, if you were hit by a big rig truck, both the driver and the company who owns the truck may be responsible for your injuries.

If you are involved in a case where the are multiple people who may be responsible for your injuries, you may find yourself wondering if you can file a lawsuit against all the responsible parties for your injuries, or whether you can only file against one party. Here is the information that you need to know. 

Can You File a Lawsuit Against Multiple Parties for the Same Injuries? 

If there are multiple parties who may be responsible for your injuries, you can file one lawsuit and add multiple defendants to that case. If you have filed a lawsuit against one party and won that lawsuit, you cannot file a new claim against another party for the same exact injuries and medical expenses that you were already compensated for in your previous lawsuit. 

Why Should You File a Lawsuit Against Multiple Parties? 

If there are multiple parties who may be responsible for your case, it is usually beneficial to you to file your case with multiple defendants. This is because you have a higher likelihood of recovering money from multiple people or multiple insurance policies compared to just one. Legally speaking though, you do have the option of filing your claim against any one party who may be responsible for your injuries. That party can then go after the other parties for subrogation, or sue the other parties to recover money from them for their role in your accident. 

How Can a Personal Injury Attorney Help With Multiple Party Claims? 

A personal injury attorney can help you with multiple party claims. They can help you to determine who may be responsible for your injuries, obtain evidence that shows who may be responsible, and help to locate and file claims against each responsible party. An attorney can then help to recover money from various parties for your injuries. 

Cases with multiple defendants can be challenging. You must be able to show why each party had a role in your injuries. Then, you must file a lawsuit to include each of these parties and properly serve them. A personal injury attorney can be important in such cases. They can work to show who was at fault and why and ensure all parties are held liable for your injuries, allowing you to recover the money you are entitled to.